Wednesday, 10 June 2015

10 Ways to increase you activity levels without increasing the pressure on your diary!

It is often hard to put best intentions of ‘getting fitter’ or ‘doing more exercise’ into practice. There are many barriers in daily life which can hinder us in getting the exercise or activity we would like. These could be money shortages, time constraints, or friend and family commitments, just to list a few.

Here are ten ideas that may help to increase your activity levels without adding extra commitment or pressure to your daily life; you may already be doing them:

1.       Using the stairs instead of the escalators or lifts
2.       Walking or cycling short distances instead of taking the car
3.       Getting off the bus a stop before your normal one
4.       Going for a short walk in your day if you can fit it in (for example, in your lunch break or when you get home)
5.       If you have children who go to classes after school you could have a short workout or walk while they are there
6.       When it’s raining and cold outside it can be hard to do as much activity – fitness and dance video games can be a really good way to get competitive and active with friends and family as well as on your own
7.       Parking higher up in the car park – sometimes it’s cheaper too - bonus!
8.       Playing music and having a little boogie when making the dinner!
9.       Gardening and housework are great forms of activity – this might make hoovering and weeding seem a little more appealing if there’s a spare ten minutes in your day… but then again it might not…
10.   Performing simple exercises that don’t need much space or any equipment can be relatively easy to slip into your routine. Things like running up and down the stairs 10 times consecutively or doing step ups on them is a great way to get your heart pumping and exercises such as abdominal curls and back raises can be alternated daily as you get out of bed in the morning.

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