Sunday, 12 April 2015

Hot Toddy - A Hug in a Mug

Hot Toddy – A Hug in a Mug

It seems that nearly everyone is suffering with colds and flu at the moment. A Hot Toddy is a perfect beverage to relieve those unwanted symptoms and help you get off to sleep in the evening.

It is usually made with whisky, rum or brandy, mixed with honey and hot water (tea is sometimes used too). Other spices such as cinnamon may be added and people often add a slice of lemon.

The other night my brother made me a lovely mug which helped enormously with my sore throat. Its warming, sweet nature with a little kick made for a lovely comforting and soothing experience in the midst of a nasty cold.

To make it he used a small measure of scotch, a few teaspoons of honey, a dash of lemon juice, a pre-prepared bag of spices including cloves and usually he would use equal measures of water to whisky, although I had a more diluted one.

And there you have it, one of the best drinks to have to take those bunged up blues away!

Picture found on Pinterest

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